UMass Breastmilk Lab

Early February 2021 update on our SARS-CoV-2 studies: recruitment of breastfeeding COVID-19 Moms

 COVID-19 studies with nursing Moms

We get queries about participating in our post-vaccination study but we have completed recruitment for that. Thanks to everyone who has helped or was interested.

We are developing a project to analyze colostrum and early milk samples from women who get the COVID shots while pregnant

**March 31: we have completed recruitment of lactating women with COVID-19**

We are still seeking nursing Moms who have recently developed COVID-19 symptoms and have a positive test or have a test in process.  Please see the main page for the COVID 19 study.

The detail for who we hope joins the study are:

  • You have given birth in the past 146 days (5 months)
  • Your COVID symptoms  started in the past 21 days 
  • You have a positive COVID test (talk to us about getting started if you are waiting for test results).

We and others have done some analysis of immune responses in breastmilk but now we are trying to be more thorough in following Moms.

You can read a summary of our initial study looking at colostrum, or read the full text. This has been submitted for review and publication.


Media coverage of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination study with lactating women

One reason for ongoing queries about the immunization study is coverage in the print and by TV stations in both Raleigh NC and Cleveland Ohio.

Note that its going to be a while before we have real data because we are following immunized Moms for three weeks or so after the second shot, a bit less than two months total for the mRNA-based vaccines.

WRAL Umass COVID breastmilk

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